University Courses
Lecturer Computational Aspects of Digital Fabrication SS 22 [Course Description]
Lecturer Data Science and Scientific Computing SS 20
Lecturer Data Science and Scientific Computing SS 19
Lecturer Computational Aspects of Digital Fabrication SS 18
Lecturer Data Science and Scientific Computing SS 18 [Course Page]
Lecturer Data Science and Scientific Computing SS 17 [Course Page]
Introduction to Physics-based Simulation and Inverse Design of Solids SS 16 [Course Description]
Lecturer Computational Aspects of Fabrication SS 16 [Course Description]
Lecturer Data Science and Scientific Computing SS 16 [Course Description]
TU Berlin
Lecturer Computer Graphics 2 SS 12 [Course Page]
Lecturer Game Programming SS 12 [Course Page]
Research Colloquium Computer Graphics SS 12
Lecturer Computer Graphics 1 WS 11/12 [Course Page]
Project Rapid Prototyping WS 11/12 [Course Page]
Lecturer Computer Graphics 2 SS 11 [Course Page]
ETH Zurich
Lecturer Game Programming Laboratory SS 10 [Course Page]
Teaching Assistant Information Theory HS 08
Teaching Assistant Visual Computing SS 08
Teaching Assistant Information Theory HS 07
Teaching Assistant Visual Computing SS 07
Teaching Assistant Information Theory WS 06/07
Teaching Assistant Introduction to Computational Science WS 04/05
Teaching Assistant Numeric and Symbolic Computation WS 03/04
Conference Courses
State of the Art on Stylized Fabrication. N. Pietroni, B. Bickel, L. Malomo, P. Cignoni. ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2019 Course.
Computational Tools for 3D Printing. A. Shamir, B. Bickel, W. Matusik. ACM SIGGRAPH 2016 Course.
Computational Tools for 3D Printing. N. Umetani, B. Bickel, W. Matusik. ACM SIGGRAPH 2015 Course.
Data-Driven Simulation Methods in Computer Graphics: Cloth, Tissue and Faces. Miguel A. Otaduy, B. Bickel, D. Bradley. EUROGRAPHICS 2013 Tutorial.
Data-Driven Simulation Methods in Computer Graphics: Cloth, Tissue and Faces. Miguel A. Otaduy, B. Bickel, D. Bradley, H. Wang. ACM SIGGRAPH 2012 Course.