FlexMaps Pavilion wins first price at IASS Symposium 2019 and Structural Membranes 2019

The FlexMaps Pavilion is 4x4 meters of CNC-milled plywood structure, carved with a computationally designed spiraling pattern. It was designed with the help of our FlexMaps framework that was presented at SIGGRAPH Asia 2018. The FlexMaps Pavilion has been awarded First Prize at the Competition and Exhibition of innovative lightweight structures organized by the IASS Working Group 21 within the FORM and FORCE, joint international conference of IASS Symposium 2019 and Structural Membranes 2019. More info can be found here.

Minisymposium “Expanding the Frontiers of Engineering Design using Computation“ at the World Congress on Computational Mechanics

Excited to announce that Sylvain Lefebvre from INRIA will give a keynote at the

Minisymposium “Expanding the Frontiers of Engineering Design using Computation“ at the World Congress on Computational Mechanics (http://www.wccm2018.org/MS_1407), July 27

Topology optimization of synthesized, stochastic microstructures
Sylvain Lefebvre, INRIA Nancy

Adaptive Surrogate Modelling-based Topology Optimization of Colour Splitting Structures for High Quantum Efficiency CMOS Image Sensors. Munbo Shim (Samsung Electronics), Hyo Sug Lee (Samsung Electronics)

On the Analogy of Yield-line and Combinatorial Optimization Problems. Michele De Filippo (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology), Jun Shang Kuang (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)

Inverse Design of 4D Printed Self-folding Thermoplastic. Byoungkwon An (Carnegie Mellon University), Ye Tao (Carnegie Mellon University), Jianzhe Gu (Carnegie Mellon University), Tingyu Cheng (Carnegie Mellon University), Xiaoxiao Zhang (Syracuse University), Teng Zhang (Syracuse University), Lining Yao (Carnegie Mellon University)

Design through Fabrication Systems for Carpentry. Jeffrey Lipton (MIT CSAIL), Daniela Rus (MIT CSAIL)

Weakly Intrusive Level-Set Topology Optimization for Multiphysics Problems. Felipe Bordeu (Safran SA), Julien Cortial (Safran SA)

Minimal Worst-Case Stress Microstructure Design. Julian Panetta (EPFL), Denis Zorin (New York University)

A Beam-element-based FEA Model Generator for Parts Containing Lattice-like Structure. Ming-Hsiao Lee (National Center for High-performance Computing, NARL, Taiwan), Jiuun-Horng Lee (National Center for High-performance Computing, NARL, Taiwan)

A Parametric Class of Composites with a Large Achievable Range of Effective Elastic Properties. Denis Zorin (Courant Institute, New York University; Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology), Igor Ostanin (Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology), George Ovchinnikov (Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology), Davi Colli Tozoni (Courant Institute, New York University)

Mini-Symposium "Expanding the Frontiers of Engineering Design using Computation"

Together with David Levin, Wojciech Matusik, and Adriana Schultz, I am organizing a mini-symposium on Expanding the Frontiers of Engineering Design using Computation at the World Congress on Computational Mechanics 2018 . The WCCM is the most attended, and most broadly themed gathering of engineers, applied mathematicians, and computational scientists working on areas relating to mechanics, materials, computation and finite elements. Attendance provides an unprecedented opportunity to build bridges between the computer graphics and engineering communities. Consider submitting an abstract and attending this exciting event!

Call for papers Symposium on Computational Fabrication 2017

Starting this year, we are accepting original technical contributions in the form of paper submission. All papers undergo a rigorous review process by the SCF program committee. 
Upon acceptance, papers will be presented at the symposium and archived in the ACM Digital Library. We keep our review cycle tight and notify authors within less than 3 weeks of submission. 

We have two paper submission deadlines:

  • Paper Deadline 1: January 31, 2017; Notification: Feb 17, 2017.
  • Paper Deadline 2: March 24, 2017; Notification: April 10, 2017.

More information on how to submit can be found here.

First Symposium on Computational Fabrication

I am very excited to announce the first Symposium on Computational Fabrication, to be held at the MIT Stata Center, Cambridge, MA on Tuesday/Wednesday April 19-20, 2016.

The objective of this symposium is to create an interdisciplinary venue that brings together leading experts from academia and industry in the areas of computer graphics, geometry processing, mechanical engineering, materials science, architecture, human-computer interaction, robotics, and applied math. The goal is to learn about fundamental questions and issues related to computational aspects of fabrication, provide a platform for discussing ideas and initiating collaborations that will pioneer new approaches in this area, and provide a venue for disseminating research results.